Ethics & Professionalism in Teaching the Anatomical Sciences

These free resources are designed to support the development of medical ethics and professionalism in health professions students while they are taking anatomy or biomedical courses. Educators are encouraged to use, distribute, and integrate these resources into their teaching. Most content consists of a few PowerPoint slides that can easily be integrated into teaching delivery to raise awareness about specific ethical or professional issues. There are also some more detailed units that can be used as small group discussion content. If any resources are downloaded and used, please acknowledge the appropriate author(s) of the material.

More resources will be added to this list over time to further increase the diversity of available material. We welcome your feedback, ideas, and contributions. Please email Tom Champney (University of Miami), Sabine Hildebrandt (Harvard Medical School), or Jon Cornwall (University of Otago).

General Ethics & Professionalism Resources

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If you wish to be part of an international Ethics & Professionalism in Anatomy mailing list, please send your email contact information to Tom Champney ([email protected]) and you'll be added to the list.  This allows those with this common interest to communicate as a group